Flans PlaneMod for Bukkit?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Yudaz, Jun 25, 2011.

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    Is there anyone that knows if Flans have a PlaneMod version for bukkit servers? I have seen on some posts, and found some links but Curse.com doesnt work for this moment... Anyone that have the mod, and want to share it with me... And tell me how I download it?
  2. Offline


    Yes, and there isn't.
    All the links you found are just leading to the mod page I believe.
  3. Offline


    actually. there is.
    but the bukkit developers don't like distribution of inofficial builds so i need to find another way to add the mods to bukkit. i'll probably do it like itemcraft does it.
    mushroomhostage likes this.
  4. Offline


    Well modloader MP for bukkit got released and that supports planes mod. Since minecraftforums is still down, you can't get it.
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