HCF Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JustBeJan, Dec 13, 2016.

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    I have some ideas (they dont need to be exactly the same):

    Basic ideas:
    Requested Name: CrystalHCF
    Version: 1.8.?

    Things wanted in the plugin:
    -Factions system
    -Deathban system per faction (staff has 5 lives, vip 3 and guests 2)
    -Staffmode with screenshare/freeze option and like a random tp option (more if possible)
    -Chat prefix
    -Customizable config/messages
    -Enderpearl cooldown (like 60 seconds)
    -Panic command

    Permission/command ideas:
    -In general all factions commands
    -crystalhcf.staff - All staff permissions
    -crystalhcf.developer - All permissions from the plugin
    -maybe permissions for all commands at them own?
    /panic (everyone) - Freezes the player, and sends a message to staff, target can't pvp and the enemy can't hit him
    /deathban, /db, /death (everyone) - View lives/deathban count
    /staffmode, /sm (staff) - Toggle staffmode
    /ss, /freeze <player> (staff) - Screenshare
    /deathban give <lives> (staff) - Gives lives to players
    /deathban remove <lives> (staff) - Removes lives to players
    /togglepanic <player> (staff) - Disables panic mode for a player
    /deathban bypass (developer) - Bypass deathbans
    --(If you don't want to make this we can also fix this with essentials)-- /announce <messages> (developer) - Announces something to the hole server (Like CrystalHCF> There is an event incomming!)
    /deathban enable/disable (developer) - Toggles deathbans for the hole server
    /pvp enable/disable (developers) - Toggles pvp for the hole server

    I know its a lot that I want but it would be the perfect plugin for me.

    Extra note:
    ASAP please.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2016
  2. Offline


    What? Like, Skype screen share? Not possible with a plugin.

    I doubt anyone will make this, based on the fact that you want your own custom Factions. You never know, though
    UnseenMC likes this.
  3. Offline


    No I mean a freeze option, we do screensharing with join.me.

    And I dont want it to be private, everyone can use it but I request it in here because I can't find other plugins having the things I want.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2016
  4. Offline


    @JustBeJan There are several plugins already made with those features.
    Zeneth2727 likes this.
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