Plugin Help Skript Handcuffs

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by CooperCraft15, Jan 17, 2016.

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    So im using skript and this is what I have done so far:
    # HandCuffs

    command /handcuffs:
    give 1 186 named "&4&lHandCuff" with lore "&9Arrest People!" to player
    execute console command "remove 100 from player's balance"
    message "&8&l100 has been taken from your account!"
    on right click on player:
    player's tool is 1 186 named "&4&lHandCuff" with lore "&9Arrest People!":
    set {tempfreeze.%player%} to target
    execute console command "tmpfreeze.%targeted player%"

    For some reason it doesnt seem to freeze the player so cops can jail them, they can still move.
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    @CooperCraft15 I have never used Skript for anything and know nothing about how it works, but are you sure that it should be (for the console command) "tmpfreeze.%targeted player%" and not "tmpfreeze %targeted player%"?
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    Dont worry its fixed now, ill make it public ;)
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