Reversed Spiders

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Syraleaf, Jan 15, 2016.

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    Hey there!
    So I'm currently building a world that's upside down for the upcoming patch with 1.9 :D
    So I was trying to get spiders to be upside down when they are climbing. But once they are standing on the ground, we would like to get them to stand normal again.

    Here's a example using the 'dinnerbone' name. :)

    As you can see, they look down now. (They are upside down atm)

    So, when they have a block underneath them, they should turn 'normal' again :)
    As you can see, this spider is 'normal' again. And stands upside down :)

    To give you an idea why we request this plugin, this is our world :D (Screenshot is outdated)

    I hope its possible to create such a plugin! Oh, and feel free to change their names based on which direction they should face ;) just try to make it so players cant see the trick :p

    Thank you so much!!!!!

    [Short desc:
    A plugin that allows spider to reverse once they are on the ceiling.
    This can be done by checking the block above them. (Is there a block above them? Yes, reverse spider. no, dont reverse the spider. The reverse can be done though a invis name 'dinnerbone' for the spider.
    Or at least, that's how I think it can be done lol) (I'm not a bukkit dev, so you tell me :p)

    It would be great if you could give us some kind of 'countdown' that goes ticking once a spider starts to climb and once it reaches 0, it'll change the spider. So the climbing doesnt look so derpy :)]

    Reload, toggle on off?]

    Reload perm,
    Toggle perm]

    We dont really need those.. but hey, if you have some extra time, a reload can help a big deal sometimes :D
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Syraleaf Spiders would stick to the walls though as they aren't made to walk on ceilings.
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    I'm aware of that, but what I'm talking about is the effect you can see at the image. The spider looks like its on the ceiling :)
    And the idea is that they are 'upside down' at that moment. :)

    edit; the 2th reason we mention this is because of the fact that we will have the spiders 'live' on the ceiling in 1.9 using the buff (If possible :D)

    edit 2; This is a image showing what I wish to archive :) [​IMG]
    And having them 'normal' once they are on the ground again.
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    Amazing! Going to test it right away!!! <3

    I LOVE IT!!
    Thank you so much! That's some amazing work :D

    As a small request, would it be a option to make the names invisible? Or is this the best we can get? :)

    Anyhow, we love it! Many thanks!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
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    @Syraleaf If it's not there already, it's impossible. Sorry.
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    Okey! Well, at least you tried! I'm glad you helped me out!!! Many thanks!
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