Simple "/take" plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by OmegaTronz, Jan 2, 2016.

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    Plugin Category: Admin Tools
    Suggested Name: TakeItems
    What I Want: We all know about the /give command, but what I need (for custom stores) is a /take command. The take command should go as follows:
    • If a player does /take Omegatron wool, it would take 1 wool from Omegatron.
    • If a player does /take Omegatron wool 64, it would take 64 wool from Omegatron.
    • If a player does /take Omegatron wool:5 32, it would take 32 lime wool from Omegatron.
    • If a player does /take Omegatron stone 16 name:&5Achievement Token!, it would take 16 stone with the name "Achievement Token!" from Omegatron.
    As you can tell by now, the command should be /take <player> <item:data ID> [amount [itemmeta...]]
    I know it seems like a fairly simple request, but I can't find a plugin that can do this well yet. The item meta is essential, as a lot of my items are named.
    Ideas for Commands: /take <player> <item:data ID> [amount [itemmeta...]]
    Ideas for Permissions: takeitems.take
    When I'd Like it By: As soon as possible, within a week would be great.
    Cooleeo likes this.
  2. Very Good Idea! :D
  3. Offline


    This would be amazing especially if worked with spawners and hooked into silk spawners.

    I would love to be able to remove items from players inventories using this command on a command binded sign to enable selling items that aren't possible to sell with essentials such as spawners and more.

    +1 from me.
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    If a player does /clear Omegatron wool 1, it will take 1 wool from Omegatron.
    If a player does /clear Omegatron wool 64, it will take 64 wool from Omegatron.
    If a player does /clear Omegatron wool 32 5, it will take 32 lime wool from Omegatron.
    If a player does /clear Omegatron stone 16 0 {display:{Name:"Achievement Token!"}}, it will take 16 stone with the name Achievement Token! from Omegatron. IIRC Essentials will allow you to put a color code in the command, though /clear would have to be changed to /minecraft:clear since essentials overrides it.
    Why someone would recode an existing command, I don't know.
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    Essentials doesn't seem to allow Color Codes correctly - I have a double stone slab block named "Achievement (in purple): DARKNESS (in bold/gold)" and when I enter /clear Omegatron 43:8 1 name:&5Achievement:_&6&lDARKNESS, it can't find the block.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @OmegaTronz Because & isn't the color code character.
    That is a double s or something that I don't know the key combination of.
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    @timtower we are discussing whether Essentials replaces & with § on normal commands and not just essentials commands.
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    Either way, it appears that /minecraft:clear can't detect what block 43:8 (the double stone slab) is.
    And it's strange that with essentials I can do /give Omegatron 43:8 1 name:&5Achievement_&6&lDARKNESS, but I can't seem to do /clear Omegatron 43:8 1 name:&5Achievement_&6&lDARKNESS
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @OmegaTronz It does, it just uses a different format. clear [player] [item] [data] [maxCount] [dataTag]
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    So using the above command with the achievement "Darkness", how would I format the /clear command?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I don't know, I just noticed your id:data thing and knew that minecraft doesn't use that format.
    That line is straight from the wiki.
  13. Offline


    So it sounds like there's still no way to take an item from a player's inventory with a colored name - perhaps a plugin could be developed for such a purpose, using the aforementioned commands, permissions, etc?
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    Just your friendly neighborhood bump.
    Cooleeo likes this.
  15. Offline


    I need this plugin as well, would be ever so grateful if somebody could make this.
  16. Offline


    Name: TakeItems
    Command: /take <player> <item:data> [amount] [item name]
    <> is required
    [] is optional​
    Permission: takeitems.take (Defaults to server operators)

    Tell me how it works out.
  17. Offline


    Does this work with spawners? (Silk spawners)
  18. Offline


    Didn't explicitly test that. If Silk Spawners uses the spawner ID and durability values, then sure.
  19. Offline


    Unfortunately this didn't work, do you think you could hook into Silk Spawners?
    I would definitely use this if so!

    Thanks :)
  20. Offline


    Doesn't seem to work -
    First I used /give Omegatron 43:8 1 &a&lTEST and then tried to use /take Omegatron 43:8 1 &a&lTEST, but it just said that I didn't have "a double slab named &a&lTEST"
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