When ever I sleep I wake up being attacked!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Magestic, May 25, 2011.

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    I am not sure why this happens but at night when I try to sleep on my server I wake up and find some sort of monster attacking me but it is still night. The room is completely sealed off and I have no plugins. Please help on if I need to report this to bukkit or minecraft? Or am I doing something wrong?

    Please help!
  2. Offline


    Got a light?
  3. Offline


    yes covered in lights
  4. Offline


    I've had this happen on my first world, even when I believed I had enough lights. The glitch went away later, probably a few days or something. You could try restarting MC a few times, or just wait (long term).
  5. Offline


    Sometimes this happens if a bed is positioned against a wall in a certain way and is not a Bukkit issue but rather a Minecraft issue
  6. Offline


    I tried moving the beds and it did not change anything
  7. Offline


    It is a mincraft beta issue (not bukkit)
    on my old singleplayer map i would go to bed and everytime a skeleton would be there to kill me..

    i think the best way to fix this is to use levels for your doors
    and make sure you have no other ways in, make sure your roof is patched, walls are closed
    (yes you can have more doors to get in)
    suggest a switch or lever though.. not a floor switch.. i have a feeling they can trigger them but im not exactly sure..
  8. Offline


    Moving the bed away from the wall has always worked for me, but I've heard that if you have a floor made up of natural material (i.e. dirt), it can cause hostiles to spawn when you sleep. I'm not sure about this though.
  9. Offline


    Is it on grass?
  10. Offline


    As other's have said before, it would be the positioning of the bed.
    There's a glitch in Minecraft that if a mob can get within 2 blocks of the bed, even if the blocks are separated by a wall, you will be awakened with the hostile mob standing next to you.

    You say that you've moved the bed in multiple places, like other people have said, is the bed in a region of dirt / grass?​
    *Image was found on the Minecraft wiki.
  11. Offline


    No its on wool but I will try to move my beds and try new things..
    Thanks everyone I'll post my results
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