Remove NPC from Tab List and Get NPC's Coordinates

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DavidBTPW, Sep 20, 2015.

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    A Bukkit plugin that I am working on right now adds an NPC to the game, but I have several problems with it:

    1.) The NPC shows up in the Online Players Tab list, and I would like to prevent this from happening.
    2.) I need to add a command to the plugin that will display the NPC's Coordinates to the player.

    How can I do this? Here is the class from my project that creates the NPC's GameProfile.
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    1. 1.
    Packet201PlayerInfo packet = new Packet201PlayerInfo("HumanNPC", false, 0); //the packet to hide the given players name from tab
    for(Player online : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {// get all online players
              ((CraftPlayer)online).getHandle().netServerHandler.sendPacket(packet);// send that packet to all players
        public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String []args){
            if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("Coordinates")) { //the command code
    Player player = (Player) sender; // get who sent the command
    player.sendMessage(HumanNPC.getLocation() + "Is where the npc is located."); //send the player a message, containing the npcs coordinates, or do this (seems like a better idea)
    player.sendMessage("X: "+ HumanNPC.getLocation().getX())
            return false;
    Untested, but should work. Let me know if you need anything.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
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    Check cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(string) instead of label.equalsIgnoreCase(string), it's a good habit to get into, and it allows for aliases. Secondly, check before casting sender to player!
  4. and third, sending a raw Location object looks ugly. :p (It's either Location@hashcocde or CraftWorld{name:world},x=69,y=69,z=69 I don't remember it)
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    You would probably want to do something like this:
    player.sendMessage("X: " + HumanNPC.getLocation().getX() + //y and z values as well)
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    Can't believe I forgot to do that check I normally always do.. Also I think your way of getting the location would be better, mine doesn't seem right to me.
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    You also might want to include the world that the NPC is in, especially if the server has several worlds.
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