How can I make people use warp signs?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by sophiayjcho, Sep 14, 2015.

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    EDIT I'm using Essentials Plugins for the warp signs!!
    I have all the Essentials plugins installed, as well as pex. No other plugins are installed (signs/warps/of any other kind). When I have op, I can use all the warp signs I made, but when I take it off and set my group as Visitor (default) or Builder (members) I can't use the warp signs. My per-warp-permission is set as false, since I want everyone to use the all the warp signs. (Also I didn't put essentials.warp because I don't want them to use /warp.)
    Here are the permissions I gave each group:

    default: true
    prefix: '&6[&eVisitor&6]&7'
    - essentials.spawn
    - essentials.signs.use.warp
    - essentials.afk
    - essentials.motd
    prefix: '&6[&dBuilder&6]&7'
    - essentials.spawn
    - essentials.signs.use.warp
    - essentials.nick
    - essentials.afk
    - essentials.motd

    I don't see what the problem is, can anyone help?
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    Try going in to your and setting your spawn-protection to 0.

    If that doesn't work, try giving the permission essentials.warps.*, this will give access to all warps but won't give access to /warp.
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    @sophiayjcho Check your enabled signs in the Essentials config to make sure warp signs are not disabled. It's just below the kit creator. Should look something like this:
    # Essentials Sign Control
    # See for instructions on how to use these.
    # To enable signs, remove # symbol. To disable all signs, comment/remove each sign.
    # Essentials Colored sign support will be enabled when any sign types are enabled.
    # Color is not an actual sign, it's for enabling using color codes on signs, when the correct permissions are given.
      - color
      - balance
      - buy
      - sell
      - trade
      - free
      - disposal
      - warp
      - kit
      - mail
      - enchant
      - gamemode
      - heal
      - info
      - spawnmob
      - repair
      - time
      - weather 
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    ^^ If none of these work then get a region around your signs, then define it to what ever you want the do this
    /rg flag (regionname) interact allow This will allow players to interact with the signs etc.
    Hope this helped.
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