how to put 2 things in 1 method

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TImewalkerZ, Sep 9, 2015.

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            public void onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent e){} void importer(me.TimewalkerZ.BCevents.BCevents bCevents) {
                Player p = e.getPlayer();
                 if(!p.hasPermission("Broadcastoncommand.silent")) {
                          List<String> cmds = bCevents.getConfig().getStringList("CommandsBC");
                       for (String command : cmds) {
                           if(e.getMessage().toLowerCase().startsWith("/" + command)) {
                           p.sendMessage("§6" + p + "§6 just did the command " + command + "§6 join them if you have the command unlocked.");
    if I do this, e cannot be resolved. If I remove the void importer bCevents cannot be resolved. how do I combine them into one method?
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    @TImewalkerZ Just curious, why do you need to combine them into one method?
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    @TImewalkerZ Did you change it like I said to in StackOverflow?

    Anyway, I really don't understand what you're trying to do here, the method with e as the event variable doesn't even have any code.

    Is BCevents another class you have, or is it the same class? Why do you have
    void importer(me.TimewalkerZ.BCevents.BCevents bCevents) {
    What are you trying to do here?
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    Two events cannot ever happen at the same time (assuming neither are asynchronous). You need to rethink what you're doing.
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    Im trying to resolve both e and bCevents
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    That is impossible to do.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @TImewalkerZ Do you know how to use a constructor to pass the main instance?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @TImewalkerZ Then I suggest to learn more about those before you continue, will solve this issue and the issue of your previous thread
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