Custom /v items

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JankoTehPengPvPz, Sep 8, 2015.

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  1. Plugin category: Admin tools

    Suggested name: Custom vanish items

    What I want: When a mod tpyes /v command, their inventory gets cleared (saved so they can get their items back later), they get an compass in 1st slot that allows them to go through walls, player head in second slot and when they click it, a gui pops out with all players names, when they click on a name, they get teleported to them, in 9th slot (last) they get an red dye and when they click on a player, they get a message in chat (example: What do you want ban reason to be (type in chat) ) and mod types lets say "force field" in chat and then the player automaticly runs the command /ban (the player they have clicked on) (reason)
    And then, when they unvanish, they get their items back

    Ideas for commands: /vi (like vanishitems)

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible :D

    Note: there might be a similar plugin to this, if yes, im sorry, and please link it in comments :D
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    so the compass toggles spectator mode,
    the player head is a /list and /tp <player> <forced-reason>
    and the red dye is a /list and /ban <player> <forced reason>
    lets make it fun, add the yellow dye, let it be a /list and /kick

    seems like a half day project if the person knows how to code
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