Hitman Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Getoffmycat, Sep 8, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Roleplay

    Suggested name: Hitman

    What I want: First off, yes, I know there are a couple plugins like this, but basically all the ones that have everything I need are outdated and dont work. I need someone to make me a plugin that players can set hits, and hitmen can do a command to accept hits. Hitmen should only be allowed to have one hit at once. I would like there to be a config option for a minimum amount of money players have to pay to place the hit. The money paid should go to the hitman. I want it to say something like "A hit has been placed!" in the chat when a hitman accepts a hit. Once the player requests a hit, something should pop up in the hitmans chat like "Someone has placed a hit on [Player] for [MoneyAmount],
    Do you /hit accept OR /hit deny?"
    Once they act, a message should be sent to the player that says 'The Hitman denied/accepted your hit!"
    If player does /hit set [HitmanName] and the hitman does not have hit.accept permission, the hit should not go through and it should say "Hitman not valid!"

    Ideas for commands: /hit set [HitmanName] [Playername] [price] - Places a hit on a player
    /hit accept - Accepts the hit on a player.
    /hit list - Shows which hit the player has accepted
    /hit cancel - Cancels the current players hit
    /hit deny - Denies a players hit request
    /hit help -Displays all commands

    Ideas for permissions:
    hit.set - Lets players place hits
    hit.accept - Lets players accept hits
    hit.deny - Lets player deny hits
    hit.list - Lets players check who they have a hit on, if any
    hit.cancel - Lets players cancel hits
    hit.deny - Lets players deny hits
    hit.show - If players have this, the message that says "Do you accept or deny this hit" will show in their chat
    hit.help - Lets players use the /hit help command

    When I'd like it by: ASAP
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    0ct0berBkkitPlgins likes this.
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    I will develop a plugin for 1.8 based on your idea. Give me about 3 - 6 days and I will have it done
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    Alright, thank you! :D

    If you took the chance you actually read my request, you'd realize that that doesnt have everything I need.

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2015
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    Instead of using money, can I suggest XP Levels? I do not like using the Vault API so I am just suggesting another idea. I use XP levels as economy on my server and it proves to work well!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Then the entire server might need to change for that though
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    It would only be that plugin. And I've found it's not hard to switch from money to XP for an economy. I made my own plugin for it.
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    I'd prefer money, honestly. XP wont work on my type of server.
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    I will learn how to use Vault then!
  10. Offline


    Alright, thank you so much! I cant wait :)
  11. Outdated doesn't mean broken till proven otherwise and when proven can be easily reported to the author.
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    I have tested the outdated ones, and I'd really rather have one that fits all of my needs instead of some.
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