
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by __Penguin__, Sep 6, 2015.

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    I am wondering if someone can make me a plugin where you can do /barrierbomb <amount> and it will give you barriers and also I want it so it is possible to break barriers in survival. I want the break speed to be the same as glass.

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    So, first, if you use essentials, the /i barrier <amount> command is even shorter, than the /barrierbomb <amount>. If you don't use essentials, the /give <name> minecraft:barrier <amount> is also very short. An external plugin would add at least 30 milliseconds to your server startup time. The second one, is that you can't change the attributes of a block, for example the breakability. It needs a mod at least.

    Here is a quick tip for the give command: "/g" + TAB + TAB + TAB + "bar" + TAB + "<amount>" shows the give command i think.
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    You can make it breakable by destroyng the block if a player left clicks on it with an diamond pickaxe after a certain amount of time.
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    You're totally right about that, but i don't think that's player friendly. I don't know, why he needs this plugin, i only can think of it as a clear glass plugin.
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    I dont really know what a clear glass is plugin @mcdorli but this is the only way that is possible to break unbreakable items i suppose.. He can easily do it with skript

    Oh.. I got it.. A clear glass plugin is a clear glass plugin lol.. Sorry i couldn't figure it out

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2015
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @millemila When saying that you can do this with skript: please also post the required skript.
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    I can do it if really needed, but would be better if someone with java experience does it.. If no-one is going to make this plugin I can work on it
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    Leave it to me, i see, what i can do about it. I have a fair bit of experience with plugin making. Btw.: if i can't do the glass-like breaking, i will do it instantly, like the slimeblock.
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    Ok I realised that it cant be done via script.
    Because if you are using factions or other sort of land claiming plug-ins a player would be able to destroy every barrier, no matter if the territory is protected, claimed by an user or others.

    Anyway the skript should be like this

    on left click:
    block is barrier
    drop barrier
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    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
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    Thanks so much! :D
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    Nothing really, after you figure out how, you can program plugins like this in 20 minutes. It's actually funny, that the approval time was longer, than the actual programming and debugging
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    @mcdorli I'm very interested in learning to make my own plugins but I can't find any updated tutorials on making one.
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    Do you know Java?
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    @__Penguin__ If you know Java, then check out Pogostick29Dev's channel, he has great tutorials! The series has about 80 episodes I think, and he just started a "Bukkit Coding Remastered" series, so the setup of your eclipse will be up to date, though you could still follow the old version and just use an updated jar file. Just don't watch TheBCBroz's coding videos, he does a lot of things that are now outdated and are bad Bukkit coding habits.

    If you don't know Java, there are many ways to learn it. If you're in high school (or maybe elementary school) there is likely a course that will teach you the basics of Java (my old high school has it). If you're out of school, there are also Java courses online that you can take. You'd have to look it up yourself as I don't have any examples off the top of my head. If you're able to self-teach, you can check out this link:

    It should help teach the basics, and at least start you off.

    Good luck!
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    I don't know about american/british school systems, so i can't really say anything about this, in my country, the people see programming as the nerdiest thing from all, so there is no course in the school for it. I learned java myself alone from a book (head first java programming from O'relly, amazing for beginner java programmers). About the plugin learning, I think, that bukkit didn't change too much simce a long time, you find some differences in world generation from the 1.7 update, but really not much. I learned bukkit plugin programming from the bukkit wiki, and it's still working. BTW.: The plugin programming is a big minefield, and you can't even debug it easily, because there is not much useful error messages on the console, and if there is, you need to look for it really hard.

    Update: I almost forgot, that you will be using a lot of deprecated stuff, because there is no alternative for them, or they're really hard to implement.
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    @mcdorli Damn, that sucks. I went to high school near Toronto in Canada and my school had lots of different computer-related courses. (Java, HTML/CSS, computer science, etc.)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Shall we get back to the request now?
  19. You can do lots of things easily with skript. You can also do them easily in Eclipse. Not everyone wants skript just for one thing, especially since skript handles so much it's likely that it will be a memory hog


    I'm glad you're interested! Minecraft and Bukkit coding I'd say is the best use for Java in general and is definitely the most fun. Also a lot of it is just coming up with cool ideas then thinking logically about how to do it, and then just implementing it in the code. It'll take a little getting used to on your first try, but soon you'll master it.

    I recommend you familiarize yourself with Java first if you haven't already. Take an online or school course and do some basic problems. For good Bukkit coding you'll want to know how to do if-statements, running and creating methods, and how to reference classes. If you’re a logical person, learning what you need for Bukkit can take a week to a month, depending on how often you do problems.

    You can download the right version of Eclipse at, and find how to set up a project and do things at
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
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