/restart Breaks plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MCMastery, Sep 4, 2015.

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    I have Essentials installed. When I do /reload to update my plugin when I make changes, it works. But if I do /stop and then /start, it breaks the plugin so that most of the time, when my plugin makes a player teleport, it just doesn't work: http://pastebin.com/3F788caN (it's backwards, sorry).
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    Its not essentials that is erroring, its the plugin you have called "Wizardry". Look at the first line. (Bottom of the page you provided)
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    @boomboompower @teej107 I know how to troubleshoot :p I looked at where it is making the error, and it is impossible it is making it there.... I check it is not null first
    It's originally caused by Bukkit's CraftPlayer class
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    So is it your own custom plugin?
    can you please show us line 71? Regardless of what it is.
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    Pastebin only puts lines on what you have submitted, what is the ~Single~ line on 71?
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    @boomboompower see edited post. I added comment that says something like // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Line 71
  9. Offline


    Try it like this
    } else {
    you haven't added a } in the if statement before the else statement.
    This is what it should be: http://pastebin.com/rEzrXa1z
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    @boomboompower I don't know if that would help. The if statement before that is a one-liner with no brackets so is that necessary?

    @boomboompower Actually there are lots of random errors if I /restart or /stop. If I /reload, it works perfectly.
    Even if I surround where the error line is with a try / catch block, it STILL throws an error.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2016
  11. Offline


    Yes the if statement needs {
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  13. Offline


    Hi, can you show the method which includes the line 301 and mark it?
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