Disable moving items using number keys

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Hadenir, Aug 28, 2015.

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    How can I prevent players from moving items in their inventory using 1-9 keys? I tried to cancel InventoryClickEvent, but it doesn't work. :(
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    You shouldn't be able to move items with the 1-9 keys. Unfortunately, I was looking through the Referenced Library and testing different things but was unsuccessful in finding a solution. Maybe someone else better can find a solution.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2015
  3. Offline


    @Hadenir The only thing I can think of is PlayerItemHeldEvent, which is called "when a player changes their currently held item"
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    @567legodude I think it won't help. I don't want to listen for change item in player's hand but for change items in whole inventory
  5. Offline


    @Hadenir Wait you mean when they hold the mouse over the item and then press 1-9 and it moves in their inventory?
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    @Hadenir InventoryClickEvent gets called as far as I remember, I have done this before with it.
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    @mine-care No, when they open inventory with "E" and try to move items by hovering mouse at an item and clicking number key (1-9).

    @Konato_K Yes, InventoryClickEvent gets called, but canceling it COPY the item to the chosen slot :(
  8. Offline


    @Hadenir use player#updateInventory(); after canceling the event
  9. Offline


    @Hadenir That copy is client side, updating inventory may work as said.
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    I use updateInventory() and now the problem is only on creative mode.
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