Spectator plugin?

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MCSwicts, Aug 24, 2015.

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    Name: Spectator


    /spectator (alias /spec) - This will pop-up a GUI menu where all the heads are listed down with name over and when you click on a head it will to you to the player and then you become VANISH and get fly and you cannot hit anyone or place/destroy blocks. Your inventory you had before you did /Spectator will be cleared when you are going to the spec mode and you get a Slimeball in slot 9 and when you right click the ball you are leaving the Spec Mode and you are being tpeleported to spawn again with the same stuff before you did /Spectator.


    I want config to it so I can change the message // prefix. (Add something more to the config if you want)

    When i hope it will be finish:

    ASAP please :)

    Thank you :)
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    Plugin Dev

    This should already be a plugin... I see it on lots of random servers. If it isn't, I'd be glad to do it, however I am caught up in IRL activities. Sorry man, I hope someone does it.
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