Plugin which enables automatic tpa - with no tpa requests.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Nebuler, Aug 10, 2015.

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    Essentials, we all love it. But there's one thing that's missing. Keep getting tpa requests? Yup, very annoying. I'm looking for a plugin that would solve all of these problems; more info below.

    Plugin category:

    Suggested name: AutoAtp

    What I want: I'd like this plugin to never show the ask message if /atp is set to deny or allow and also persist thoughout. For example if a player sets the mode and logs off, I do not want it to reset when they log back on.

    Ideas for commands: /atp (toggle through the 3 settings) /atp ask (asks the player and requires /tpaccept before teleporting) /atp allow (automatically teleports to the player as soon as /tpa (player) is entered) /atp deny (denies teleportation to the player - only though /tpa, the player can still be tp'ed to though /tp)

    Ideas for permissions: atp.ask atp.enable atp.deny

    When I'd like it by: ASAP

    Nb: I'd also like a configuration file where you can fully customise the colour of the messages displayed where you set the mode. Eg: automatic teleporting mode set to ask/deny/enable
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015
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    Essentials Has That.


    Perm: essentials.tptoggle
  4. Actually, that does not do what the OP asked for. Tptoggle basically just auto denies teleports for people who are getting spammed.

    I will make this plugin, although I am about to go to London for a day before I fly back home. I could probably do this on saturday.
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    @0ct0berBkkitPlgins the plugin does not work, there is no /atp command. Please test it first.
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    @Nebuler I believe the command he registered is /atpa.
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    @0ct0berBkkitPlgins i asked you to add a 'ask' function so it can be set back to asking the player. Could you please add that?
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    Going to do it.
  9. I figured that function is not necessary. I have two modes- ON and OFF. Off functions exactly like your "ask" mode- teleportation will not be automatically accepted and requires manual accepting via commands.

    I called the command /atpa because it is incorrect to say that it automatically teleports- it only automatically runs the /tpaccept command. If you are going to complain to me about the format I provided, then I'm not interested in changing it. I made it so the command has no parameters and is thus extremely easy and fast.

    Every function you asked for either already exists in Essentials or was given in my plugin. Blocking teleportation, as MCnumi told you, is already implemented in Essentials, so I did not add that because it is redundant.

    Please do not. He only replied yesterday and if you do it then my work is a waste. I gave him every necessary feature needed for the functions he asked for.
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    @0ct0berBkkitPlgins please make the plugin as I asked, not your own plugin that is only vaguely similar to what i asked. I'd like the /atp command to cycle through auto deny, auto accept and asking before teleporting, as the normal /tpa command does. Also, I'd like to have a /atp (deny/accept/ask) command which automatically sets the mode to the respective setting. Also, I'd like a config file where all messages displayed in the plugin can be set and colour codes can be used on them. Thankyou, Nebuler.
  11. Cycle: Already Added
    Deny: Not added, because it's pointless and redundant. The plugin auto accepts, not auto denies. Players can run the command /tptoggle to disable teleport requests.
    Config file: Already Added

    The only thing I did not include was deny. I added everything else that you asked for, so instead of my plugin being "vaguely similar", it is "nearly identical". People who submit their projects on here do not have to do every single feature you asked for, especially if they are useless or already implemented.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
    lubbs31 likes this.
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    Could someone please remake the plugin as I asked?

    @0ct0berBkkitPlgins for you this may be redundant, but for others it is important. Please make the plugin as I asked, thank you.
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    Tbh if you want to make a plugin with a bunch of features and make it exactly as you want it this is not the place to ask for it, people here do it for free so they do it as they want to
    0ct0berBkkitPlgins likes this.
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    @alexlab963 I am only asking if someone will do it as a favor. And to be honest if someone can make it their way they can make it my way, its just if they will do it. :)
  15. You are becoming quite ridiculous now. You are complaining that the default text is not "ask" or "allow", when it is completely configurable to your preferences, and thus should not be an issue. Look in the configuration. If you need any help, let me know, although the messages are easy to understand.

    As for the feature I did not include, the "deny" mode, it is easy to just do /tptoggle. Typically people on this forum will not complete your request if it is already exists or just requires a tiny bit more work. People fill plugin requests out of their own interest in it, not to do everything you say. I found your idea a useful one, so I did everything that was not already included in Essentials.

    Please set this plugin request to Filled, as I have given the plugin you requested.
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    You could add an /atp deny alias for /tptoggle off, which does the same thing. If you want to change the messages for essentials you can easily do that through the language file.
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