Solved Color Codes not working

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MagmaticBacca, Aug 1, 2015.

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    For example when implementing the code :
    if (player.isOp()) {
                event.setFormat(ChatColor.DARK_RED+"§lOWNER" + " " + ChatColor.GOLD + player.getName() + ": " + ChatColor.RED + event.getMessage()
    Now notice the § part normally it should make the said Text Bold but in my case...

    instead it has a weird "?" symbol


    if you do not know please direct me to somewhere i can find the answer/ or find a way to make something colored but also bold at the same time :D
  2. Instead of using '§', use the ChatColor enums.
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    They are the same thing.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Obviously not! This thread is the reason why we have ChatColors and why you should use them.
    MrBlackIsBack likes this.
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    OK pardon me if i am misunderstanding but you mean the "ChanColor.GOLD" kind of thing right? using those enums to color the String that you add it to.

    IE: ChatColor.White + "Potato"
    thats good and all but i need to have that Color BOLD

    so how do i have that Color and have it bold at the same time using said enums?

    Sorry if i am being a bother :p
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    @MagmaticBacca lol ChatColor.DARK_RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + message
    it's meant to be prepended to a string, so just throw an empty one in there
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    Im suprised i havent tried that yet xD Thabks so much everyone

    EDIT: #Thabks
  10. Please mark the thread as solved
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    To mark a thread solved, go to the top, edit thread, and select the prefix Solved.
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