Hashmaps in different classes

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by RoBaMe, Jul 23, 2015.

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    Hi! I know it's a stupid question but how do use hashmaps in different classes?
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    Make the hashmap static (static HashMap<String, Integer> <-- like that) then use classname.hashmapname to access it :)
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    @finalblade1234 ok so i did this : public static HashMap<UUID, Boolean> live = new HashMap<UUID,Boolean>(); and then did in the other class SpecMain.live; but it did work :/
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    Remember to put a method after .live,
    example: SpecMain.live.put(player.getUUID(), true);
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    No. You shouldn't use static just because it makes Objects easily accessible. It is not how it should be used.

    @RoBaMe use "Getters" to obtain Objects from different classes. As long as you have a instance of the class available, you can get anything from inside the class using getters.
    If you are having trouble understanding what I mean, just google it. This is the kind of thing you should have already learned before trying to write a Bukkit plugin.
  6. Offline


    @teej107 I don't use static objects, but what is it that makes them bad?
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  8. Offline


    @teej107 So then would it be okay to use a static map to store info like the currently selected color of a player (Map<UUID, Color>) That can be accessed by all the classes that need to grab their color. Or do I really have to save an instance of the whole class and access it through methods?
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    It's not hard to pass info around through parameters.
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    @teej107 @Hawktasard I mean in a class made to store only one thing. I only need one instance of the map, which is why I was wondering if making it static was okay in that situation.

    Usually when I set up a class system, I have a main class to store all the instances, and each class uses the main class to reference the other classes.

    I can see why you don't want to use static if you need multiple instances of a class, but if I just need a single instance of the map, then would that be an appropriate place to use static?
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  13. Offline


    Here's a better thought: what's preventing you from not using static?
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    @1Rogue Nothing, I did that as a test, and it worked perfectly fine. Easily able to keep a map of data.
  15. Offline


    Well then there's your answer, you don't need static.
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