
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JayRayHay, Jun 24, 2015.

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    Hi Bukkit! I'm JayRayHay, and I want a plugin made for me please :)

    Plugin category: Chat related

    Suggested name: Block that word

    What I want: I want a plugin where it detects if a player builds a filtered word out of blocks.
    If a player builds a filtered word out of blocks, it will remove the blocks and kick the player with
    the message:

    You where kicked for making a bad word out of blocks!

    I also want it to have a broadcast message:

    &4!! &e{PLAYERNAME} &awas &c&lkicked &afor making a bad word out of blocks! &4!!

    I also want it to have a small config.
    Can it have color code support?


    # #
    # BTW made by #
    # (Creators name) #

    (the words you want to be filtered)

    kick message:
    You where kicked for making a bad word out of blocks!
    broadcast message:
    &4!! &e{PLAYERNAME} &awas &c&lkicked &afor making a bad word out of blocks! &4!!
    reload message:
    &a&lConfig Reloaded!
    disable message:
    &4Plugin Disabled!
    enable message:
    &2Plugin Enabled!

    Ideas for commands:

    /btw disable disables the plugin (Ops can do this even without permission)
    /btw enable enables the plugin (Ops can do this even without permission)
    /btw reload reloads the plugin (Ops can do this even without permission)

    Ideas for permissions:

    btw.admin.disable = /btw disable
    btw.admin.enable = /btw enable
    btw.admin.reload = /btw reload

    When I'd like it by: I dont care when I get it now :) (I edited this post)
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
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    Isn't that a bit to hard, I haven't tried it out my self but wouldn't it take long to just detect 1 word.
  3. Other plugins can do this...
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    I have a chat-filter plugin over at that has color options and blocks bad words in chat, but I've never thought about bad words made out of blocks...

    It sounds like a bit of a challenge, but I could try and see what I could piece together and maybe have it in the next update. I'll tag you if I do :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2015
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    Thank you EvilWitchdoctor! :) I actually don't care when I get it now :) Take your time everyone. Thanks! If this is too complicated, its ok, I can live without it. :)
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
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    Link me, I dont think i've seen a plugin that blocks swear words out of actual blocks.
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    @timothydavidhart Does PwnFilter block words built out of actual Minecraft blocks as well though? I didn't see that in the config when doing a quick investigation
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Doubt that there even is a library to recognize such things
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    @raymart23 nice plugin but he was looking for something with blocks as well as that, although that would be an extremely hard challenge, I doubt it can be done, the closest that can be done is your noswearing plugin with the signs.
  11. Offline


    @JayRayHay will do that
    and what is the purpose of /btw disable or enable use the /plugman plugin instead
  12. Offline


    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been able to do comments. :(

    @raymart23 I will try out your plugin. :) Plugman disables/enables plugins, but when you restart or stop and turn your server on, it does not keep the plugin disabled (enables it again when you don't want it to). But these commands: /btw enable /btw disable allow you to keep it disabled if you want without the server enabling again when it starts up.
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    I don't see how this would be possible. I mean even if you could check on each block place whether the blocks around it are in the shape of a swear, how would you stop the plugin from finding swears in a the blocks making up a wall? (It could end up with a swearword shaped hole in the wall) Even if you took into account air blocks between the blocks making up the swear word, what about walls that have swears written in the middle out of a different material ? Also how would it detect words of different sizes? This seems like a way too difficult and resource intensive method of stop players from doing something that could easily be rolled back with say, coreprotect and the offenders quickly dealt with by staff.
    bobacadodl likes this.
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