100% Underground World Generation

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by fatesauce, Jun 4, 2015.

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    I'm not sure if such a thing has been requested before, or if it already exists *somewhere*. I searched high and low and found some things sort of similar but not what I was after. So here goes!

    Plugin category:
    World Generator

    Suggested name: UndergroundWorld

    What I want: I want to add a completely underground world to my Survival server. No sky, no surface.

    Imagine players spawning in an underground spawn location, and then heading out through a network of caves and passages to dig, discover, explore, and collect.

    What can they find?

    The usual natural Minecraft cave formations, strongholds (maybe), abandoned mines, and possibly some extra dungeon like areas with tough enemies and rewarding loot. These things should spawn much closer together, so players do less 1x2 tunnel digging and more exploring. Overlapping caves/dungeons/mines wouldnt be silly. This would create a seriously complex maze for players.

    Some strange and wonderful areas to discover would also be pretty cool. Like an underground cavern full of grass, water, trees, glowstone, or something like that.

    Ores will be important naturally. Players should be able to find all ores at any height level. Of course, diamonds are still going to be rarer and further apart than coal.

    Ideas for commands: Being a worldgen, I cant think of any special commands needed. Compatibility with Multiverse is a must though. ie: /mv create underground normal -g UndergroundWorld

    Ideas for permissions: No special permissions

    When I'd like it by: No hurry!
    mickverm likes this.
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    @fatesauce I congratulate you on having one of the few original ideas left. I don't know how to make world generators, but I love your plugin idea and want it myself.
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    @pie_flavor Thanks! Although i am surprised it hasn't been done already. It seems simple enough compared to the other worldgens ive seen.
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    If there are no takers, could someone point me to a resource where I can learn to do this myself?
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