Armor potion effects

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by tj3651, May 21, 2015.

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    before you start posting armorset effects,custom armors or superarmors, they are not what i'm looking for.

    all i want is a simple plugin that will put potion effects wear you were a specefic armor piece. not the entire

    /armor add golden_chestplate health_boost 4

    this is all i want. this will give the golden chestplate bonus hearts with a unlimited timer(that doesn't reset every tick causing the effect to be meaningless....)

    a nice simple config like this would do as well

    potioneffect: health_boost
    level: 4
    ticks: 120000 (0 for infinite)

    potioneffect: speed_boost,jump_boost
    level: 4,2
    ticks: 120

    and then when you remove the armor the potion effect removes. you can also make it so that it applies to all golden chestplates and iron_boots so you don't have to do the command over and over.(thats what the config is for anyway)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2015
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    Would this be a global thing? So when an Admin types /armor add blah it would do this for everyone?
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    yes it would
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    I'm currently working on a Classes plugin based on HCFaction's classes. I'm a bit of a newbie at Bukkit but I'll see what I can do to add a configuration to my plugin.
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