Solved How do you use PacketPlayInSteerVehicle

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by KingOfAdventure, May 8, 2015.

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    I'm currently making a plugin and on the forums I found that I need to use this for the thing I want to make (riding an entity): PacketPlayInSteerVehicle, but how do you use it.

    So far I got like this:

    PacketPlayInSteerVehicle ppisv = new PacketPlayInSteerVehicle();
    //I know that there needs to be something here to specify the player, but I don't know what (I think some packet sending or something like that)
    //Use variables
    boolean shift = ppisv.d();
    boolean space = ppisv.c();
    float forward = ppisv.b();
    float side = ppisv.a();
    Does anyone know how to specify the player where you want this information from? If you do, please add some code since I'm still a bit new to craftbukkit. Thank you for reading this post :).
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    You will probably want to use something like protocollib in order to listen to packets and then read the steer packet.
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    First of all, thanks for the reply :).
    @AdamQpzm I want to make my custom ridable with wasd/space/shift controls. I'm currently using this tutorial : .
    @RingOfStorms Thank you for the tip! It solved my problem :)

    For other users with the same problem:

    I found a way to use that event with protocol lib.

    For other people with the same troubles :

    public class InputListener extends PacketAdapter{
        public InputListener(Plugin plugin, ListenerPriority listenerPriority,PacketType[] types) {
            super(plugin, listenerPriority, types);
        public void onPacketReceiving(PacketEvent event) {     
                PacketPlayInSteerVehicle ppisv = (PacketPlayInSteerVehicle) event.getPacket().getHandle();
                //Usage ppisv
                boolean shift = ppisv.d();
                boolean space = ppisv.c();
                float forward = ppisv.b();
                float side = ppisv.a();

    And in on enable
    ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().addPacketListener(new InputListener(this,  ListenerPriority.HIGHEST, new PacketType[]{PacketType.Play.Client.STEER_VEHICLE}));
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    It's easy. Add LibsDisguises in your plugin (and your server ofcourse). Create a horse and disguise it as a minecart or something else. Example
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    Thanks for the idea @rcth, but I'm making something really complex. I can't use normal Minecraft entities for that (I'm making custom mobs with NMS). But thanks anyways :)!
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