Plugin Help idisguise plugin HELP

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Minestock451, May 7, 2015.

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    In iDisguise I am trying to disguise as non existent players that arnt actually accounts. Like random words, which you can turn into your own fake player. You can do this by doing: /d player (Ex) iowqjdqi. Even if this isn't a real player it will still disguise you as that name. These names arnt real player names. This disguise won't have the skin, but it will have the name tag. I am using 1.8.
    I am trying to use this system to create my own disguises on my server, but I need help because I have ran into problems. When disguising as these fake characters, it will not let you capitalize names. So for example if I wanted:
    /d player TJappalatain, It would disguise me as: tjappalation. I know this is a minor problem but I would like to know how to allow capitalization in iDisguise, and if I can't, please suggest other plugins that do not have this problem. Thank you.
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    You mean DisguiseCraft?
    if yes, disguisecraft has a problem with the disguise feature as it will not work if u disguise as another player, if u want it to work, that player u want to disguise to must be in the same server as you, this is a known bug and should be fixed soon.
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    @Mrgts Your answer has absolutely nothing to do with his question. He is asking about iDisguise and you are telling him about a problem with DisguiseCraft. In addition, he is not asking about anything to do with online-ness, he is asking about capitalization of names.
    Seriously, like half your posts are useless.
    @Minestock451 This is a problem with iDisguise for unknown reasons. Sometimes it is fixed by instead of typing /d if you type /idisguise:disguise.
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    iDisguise can let you disguise as players. What i am saying is that I am also able to MAKE UP my own player names, its just the disguise won't have a skin because the account doesn't exist. When I make up these names, I am not able to capitalize the words. For example I want, Doc_Marvin (this doesn't exist) so its doc_marvin. How to fix this?

    Thank you pie flavor

    What you surgeted didn't work unfortunatly, but do you know another ways to fix, if not do you know any other plugins that dont have this bug?


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
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