iDisguise names Help

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Minestock451, May 7, 2015.

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    In iDisguise I am trying to disguise as non existent players that arnt actually accounts. Like random words, which you can turn into your own fake player. You can do this by doing: /d player (Ex) iowqjdqi. Even if this isn't a real player it will still disguise you as that name. This disguise won't have the skin, but it will have the name tag. I am using 1.8.

    I am trying to use this system to create my own disguises on my server, but I need help because I have ran into problems. When disguising as these fake characters, it will not let you capitalize names. So for example if I wanted:
    /d player TJappalatain, It would disguise me as: tjappalation. I know this is a minor problem but I would like to know how to allow capitalization in iDisguise, and if I can't, please suggest other plugins that do not have this problem. Thank you.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives
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