Using itemstacks in custom recipe

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DaanSander, Apr 12, 2015.

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    Hello i am trying to make custom recipes with custom itemstacks that i have created but i can not figure out how is this possible if so how can i do it?

    this is what i have tried:
    ItemStack tracerp = new ItemStack(Material.REDSTONE);
            ItemMeta pmeta = tracerp.getItemMeta();
    trameta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "Tracer bullet");
            trameta.setLore(Arrays.asList("Used in homing cannon"));
            ShapedRecipe trbullet = new ShapedRecipe(tbullet);
            trbullet.setIngredient('@', tracerp);
  2. @DaanSander I believe that you can only use materials. (Correct me if I'm wrong...)
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    Supposedly if that was even going to work, make sure that you register the recipe.
    But doesn't it give you errors in Eclipse? There's not a single constructor where you can use an ItemStack in .setIngredient()
    setIngredient(char key, Material ingredient)
    setIngredient(char key, MaterialData ingredient)
    setIngredient(char key, Material ingredient, int raw)
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