Filled Simple Teams

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by DogeDebugger, Mar 31, 2015.

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    I would like a teams plugin :D

    Plugin Category: General

    Name: Teams

    What i want: I want a plugin where players can do /createteam <name> and it will create a YAML file for that team with a blank list, and the admins can edit that list with player names, not UUIDS. Players on the same team can't damage/kill one another.

    Perms: teams.create

    When i want it: As soon as you can, ideally in 1-3 days.
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    So, I could make this, but not using YAML, I would use either JSON or my own data savings structure, is that OK? It should still be easy to edit. The reason I do not want to use YAML is because I have not figured out how to generate a YAML file other than the config...
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Guess I could do it t with YAML, but I kinda want to test my save data thingy.

    Does it have to be YAML? If so, I can still do it.

    Thanks! I will definitely use this in something.
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    Yes it should be YAML. You don't need anything fancy, just /createteams and a list of members in a YAML. Really, that's it.

    EDIT: Actually, just use your data saving thing it's okay. Just make it easy to edit. But I'll prefer YML.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
  6. Offline


    Okay! Thanks, I'll be sure to make it easy to edit.

    Now, I have to use UUIDs, because it is minecraft's system, however there are some ways i could do this:
    1. Have players added through comands and put their uuid on the list
    2. Have players added through typing or commands and also save their uuid and update their name if it has changed
    Which one would be preferable?
    Personally I would prefer the second, in which you would just have to type "<playername>=x" in the list, and the plugin could find the uuid and save it automatically.

    Note: I have to use UUIDs, because if a player changes their name they would no longer be on their specified team, however I can incoporate player nams so the list is easy to edit, as described above.
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    I would like the second way :p Marked as filled
    Remember no damage between teams!

    So here is a round up of the info:
    -No damage between teams
    -Your second way in that post is okay :p
    -UUIDS in the file
    -I would prefer the command to be /createteam <name> and then u can add players to the teams in the file or by command :D

    <Edit by mrCookieSlime: Merged posts. Please don't double post. There is an Edit Button right next to the Date.>
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
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    My apologies, but I have to focus on another project, try and get someone else to do this.
    I am sorry, but my other project is extremely important and has taken over all my other projects.
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    @meguy26 I've written it. I'll upload it when I get home
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    Awesome man!! Thanks! :D

    Good luck on whatever the other project is man :p
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