Minigame API

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by NoSpanMan, Jan 25, 2015.

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    Can i download a minigame API same as a TabMenu API that i can make minigames very easy in eclipse?
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    @NoSpanMan TabMenu API does one thing and it does it well. What would a minigame API even do?
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    I think a minigame api adds in eclipse things that i easy can make a minigame plugin for example i typ Minigame. and it shows a menu with .arenaadd or .joingame or something thats makes a minigame plugin maker it easyler

    But there is a minigame api?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
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    @NoSpanMan Well I work on Lobbies2, which provides Lobbies where Players can join Minigames and I got a Team-Feature in PreLib (PreKit)
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    But is there a minigame api?
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    @NoSpanMan What you search isn't a API then, you search an Library. And I don't think that this does exist (and if so probably not made very well) because every Minigame works different.
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    but I want to make a minigame :(( and im not a pro coder that i can make that and i cant find good tutorial to make a minigame what can i do now :(?
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    Regablith likes this.
  10. @NoSpanMan Take a minigame a step at a time, they aren't harder than any other just take more time.
    Regablith likes this.
  11. Offline


    Thats plugins not apis???

    How can i learn it D:?
  12. @NoSpanMan
    1. Them minigame lib has apis.
    2. Lean Java & Bukkit
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    I learned bukkit but i dont know how i make a minigame

    And i dont see the apis
  14. @NoSpanMan Well then take the minigame step by step. So start with joining for example then move to like arenas.

    You add the library and access them.
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    But i dont have any tutorial to learn it.
  16. @NoSpanMan If you learnt Bukkit and Java you don't need to learn anything else and can do it. Joining is a easy one, and should have been around the 5th Bukkit thing you learnt.
    Regablith likes this.
  17. Offline


    A joining system is the only once what i can make but how can i learn to make arena's or scoreboards and the minigame D:
  18. Offline


    Thats not useful.
    Learn the ways of the JAVAHDUCKS
  19. @ChipDev I said before, if you learnt Bukkit you learned joining early and he said he hadn't. I honestly didn't even know what else to say, he obviously didn't fully learn it if he did.
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    How to make a minigame:
    1. Make an arena class to store current players, if its playing, etc
    2. Make an arenaManager class to manage arena joining and leaving, etc
    3. Add commands that allow a player to join by calling the arenaManager class
    4. Add logic to your minigame
    5. Make a plugin.yml
    6. Make a config.yml
    7. Profit!!?!
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