Filled Classes Plugin (School Classes)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by _Hybrid, Jan 12, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Roleplay

    Suggested name: Classes

    What I want: I am looking for a Classes plugin for my Harry Potter role-play server. My idea is pretty much to implement School classes into minecraft, for a more enjoyable role-play. Details for the commands will be listen below

    Ideas for commands:
    /class create (classname) - An admin command used to create a class. When used, the plugin will create a class point, saving the name and coordinates much like an essentials warp.
    /class start (classname) - When this command is issued, the specific class will start. When the player does the command /class join (more on it later), they get warped to the classroom the specific class was set in, join the 'class'. When this command is issued, also broadcasts "(classname) Class Is Starting! Do /class join!"
    /class end - Ends the current ongoing class
    /class join - Joins the current class. When joined, you are teleported to the class it was set in. If there is no ongoing class when the player does /class join, it messages the player "&cThere are no classes being held!"
    /class leave - Leaves the class you are in. IF you are not in a class, messages the player "&cYou are not in a class right now!"
    /class remove (classname) - An admin command to remove a class completely.

    Ideas for permissions:
    /class create - class.create
    /class start - class.start
    /class remove - class.remove
    /class join - class.join
    /class leave - class.leave
    /class end - class.end

    When I'd like it by: It would be best if it could be done by the end of the month (January, 2015)
  2. Offline


    Since it looks like no one else has taken interest (at least yet) Ill take a stab at it. Would you like the students teleported back to where they previously were before joining the class when it ends?

    And just for clarification, you want there to be multiple classes already saved but only one running at a time yes?
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
  3. Offline


    Sure, they can be teleported back to where they were, or if its easier, they can be sent to a certain warp by console (maybe configurable?). Which ever is easier.
    And yes, multiple classes, but only one running at a time. Thanks :)
  4. Offline


    Alright then its nearly finished I just have some debugging to do. Probably not more than a few days.
  5. Offline


    Wow, That was quicker than I anticipated

    Thank you, by the way
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2015
  6. Offline


    I have your plugin completed! I am pretty new here and don't know if there is a standard for posting plugins somewhere, but I went ahead and just put the jar into dropbox (

    If you find any issues or would like stuff changed just post or PM me, Ill happily update and change things for you.

    /class create [name]
    Creates a class with name [name] at current location
    class.create (defaults to OP)

    /class updateClassLocation [name]
    Updates class [name]'s location to current location
    class.updateLocation (defaults to OP)

    /class start [name]
    Starts the specified class if no other class is in session
    class.start (defaults to OP)

    /class end
    Ends the currently running class and teleports players back to their position before joining the class
    class.end (defaults to OP)

    /class join
    Teleports player to the currently running class, if no classes are in session tells player that no classes are being held
    class.join (defaults to TRUE for all players)

    /class leave
    Allows a player to leave a class, teleporting them back to their joining location
    class.leave (defaults to TRUE for all players)

    /class remove [name]
    Entirely deletes a class. If class is currently in session, it will gracefully end it first
    class.remove (defaults to OP)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
    GrandmaJam likes this.
  7. Offline


    Awesome, thank you :D
    I don't have time at the moment to check it out, but I will test it out tonight :) Thanks
    GrandmaJam likes this.
  8. Offline


    Could you add a command /rh and when it is executed all players see:
    > <playername> Has Raised Their Hand
    (the <playername> being dark cyan, and the '>' and the rest of the text being dark red)
  9. Offline


    Yeah I can, sorry Ive been away for a couple days. Should have it soon

    Do you want to have the whole server see it or just the people in class?
  10. Offline


    Whole server please :D I want it doable even outside of class,
    its the best way for players to get our attention
  11. Offline


    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2015
  12. Offline


    Okay :D Is it possible to be merged with the classes plugin?
    I have a lot of plugins as is, so I would love if its condensed
  13. Offline


    I could try.

    Sorry @_Hybrid It cant be without the other developer sending me his code or something as i am not allowed to edit his code without his permission my plugin is not that big just drag and drop it wont do much.

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2015
  14. Offline


    Okay thanks :D

    Could you add a 10 second cool down on the /rh command?

    When I do just '/class' it gives me an internal server error

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2015
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
    StingerPlaysMC likes this.
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  18. Offline


    Thanks. And if you want to add in /rh, that would be cool,
    but since KrypticIce made it its own plugin, you don't have to
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  21. Offline


    Hey, I just realized that /class end <classname> gives an internal error
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