Temporary Warp 1 command add on

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by PhillyCheezsteak, Jan 13, 2015.

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  1. Hello, so I am currently using http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/temporarywarp/ (amazing plugin), but there is one more feature I would like to be added. So if a player /twarp to a location and if they disconnect, they are warped out of the location, but it still keeps track of the time they have left.

    What my request is, is to have 1 more command that would allow a player to warp back to the last /twarp they were at IF they still have time.

    Example: Say if I used the command /Twarp Example1, It would warp me to the temporary warp which is named Example1. If I warp somewhere, log out, or get disconnected, it would still keep track of the time I have left, even though I am outside of the warp. If I would use the command /TwarpBack, it would allow me to return to the last /twarp I was at IF I still have time left.

    Commands: /TwarpBack

    Permissions: -twarp.back

    Please if you can, use the same plugin, just add on to it.

    NOTE: If you do not have time left with your /Twarp, it will not allow you to use /TwarpBack

    When I would like it by: As soon as you can please. Also please provide the time you can finish it by if you are willing to make it. Thank you so much :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @pie_flavor You probably don't want to modify that 2 years old plugin anyways :p
  4. @pie_flavor Even if it is inactive? Also you can make a separate plugin to add onto that if you are not allowed to modify an inactive plugin.

    @timtower Even though it is 2 years old, it works perfectly fine without any troubles.

    Tim, I have a question about this thread then. If you are not allowed to modify an existing plugin even if it is inactive and if you are not allowed to make a 1 to 1 copy of it. What would a solution be?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @PhillyCheezsteak License stuff isn't really something that I am familiar with, looks like you are allowed to make a clone of this one though, as long as you credit the original developer for it.
  6. @timtower Oh cool, so so you technically can edit it/make a 1 to 1 clone as long as you give credit to the original owner. Thank you :)
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    It Would be amazing if this plugin gets updated! but I don't think it'll get updated. So if someone could clone it (As mentioned up) and update it, :) it'll be nice! + the add-on mentioned up of course! :rolleyes:
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    I'll make a version of this plugin :)
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    Would be AMAZING! and please add the feature that is mentioned up!
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    Wow I didn't know people actually used this plugin! I'll look into updating it sometime within the near future. The coding is pretty messy so I don't know how easy it will be to implement the above features. The project is marked as abandoned but I don't know what bukkit wants me to do. Edit the plugin for the sake of assuring people that it's not dead?

    Depends on what @GiansCode is up to, though. No need to create the wheel twice.
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    @MrZoraman I was going to PM you to take the project over. But, if you'd update it, I'll leave you to it :p
  12. @MrZoraman Awesome! I am a huge fan of your plugin and I have been using it for a long time now. If you can update it so there is a command to warp back to a temporary warp if you still have time /twarpback or maybe /tback and IF you can do 1 more command that makes it so you can disband your temporary warp like /twarpexit or /texit that would be great. So /twarpexit or /texit would disband the time you have left and prevent you from warping back to the exit for a Twarp.
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    you guys are such twerps twarps
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    I just found the TemporaryWarps source code. It's absolutely disgusting, and like 50% of it is deprecated. I don't think I'm going to try to salvage it. Give me the rest of this week, and I'll see if I can re-write a better version of it.

    If I end up taking too long, I've uploaded the source code on github, should anyone want to take a stab at adding the feature.

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
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    I'm also glad that this plugin is getting updated, I was asking about a plugin that would do exactly the similar abilities some posts ago, then when I wanted to go check my post, I found this post & luckily I found the EXACT plugin I need! thanks to whoever will update the plugin & thanks PhillyCheezsteak :p:D
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    @MrZoraman Thanks for the src. All I can say, wow!
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    Common guys :);)!
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  19. Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
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    I started working on it, updated it a little more today, but I think I'm going to have to stop working on it. I'm displeased with the initial design choices I've made and I have too much going on at the moment. Hopefully @GiansCode will have more success.
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