Plugin Help GAListener cumulative voting not working

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Sakarakis, Dec 28, 2014.

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    I'm trying to set up cumulative voting for my server, but it doesn't seem to be working. It will just give players the default vote reward and randomly gives them cumulative prizes. Please help ASAP. Here is my config:

    #  GAListener v1.3.1
    #  settings section
    #  onlineonly - Only delivers rewards when the player is online.  If they are offline it will wait and deliver when they next join the server!
    #  luckyvote - Enables the lucky voting section, this allows voters to have a random chance to receive additional rewards when they vote.
    #  permvote - Enables the permission voting section, this allows voters to receive different rewards based upon their permissions.
    #  cumulative - Enables the cumulative voting section, this allows voters to receive rewards once they have reached a certain number of votes.
    #  broadcastqueue - Show broadcast message for queued votes.
    #  broadcastoffline - Show broadcast message for offline queued votes.
    #  broadcastrecent - Show broadcast message to recent voters (last 24 hours)
    #  votecommand - Enables the /vote command which will show the message contained in the votemessage section at the bottom of the config.
    #  rewardcommand - Enables the /rewards command which will show a list of all the cumulative voting rewards.
    #  joinmessage - Show the message contained in the joinmessage section at the bottom of this config when a player joins the server.
    #  voteremind - Message players who haven't voted in the last 24 hours. Shows the message contained in the remindmessage section at the bottom of this config.
    #  remindseconds - How often (in seconds) between each reminder message.
    #  ratelimit - Ignore votes received within this many seconds since the last vote for the same player on the same site.  This should prevent duplicate votes.
    #  logfile - Log received votes to vote.log file.
    #  dbMode - Database mode. Use either mysql or sqlite.
    #  dbFile - Database filename for SQLite.
    #  dbHost - Database IP / Hostname for MySQL.
    #  dbPort - Database port for MySQL.
    #  dbUser - Database username for MySQL.
    #  dbPass - Database password for MySQL.
    #  dbName - Database name for MySQL.
    #  dbPrefix - Database table prefix.
      onlineonly: true
      luckyvote: false
      permvote: false
      cumulative: true
      broadcastqueue: true
      broadcastrecent: true
      broadcastoffline: false
      votecommand: true
      rewardcommand: false
      joinmessage: true
      voteremind: false
      remindseconds: 300
      ratelimit: 10
      logfile: false
      dbMode: 'sqlite'
      dbFile: 'GAL.db'
      dbHost: 'localhost'
      dbPort: 3306
      dbUser: 'root'
      dbPass: ''
      dbName: 'GAL'
      dbPrefix: ''
    #  services section (default is used if service doesn't exist)
    #  The example below would give 5 diamonds per vote.
        broadcast: '&3&l>> {GOLD}{username} {AQUA}voted and received &a$1 million and a Voting Key!&4'
        playermessage: ''
        - '/eco give {username} 1000000'
        - '/cratekey give {username} Vote 1'
        broadcast: '&3&l>> {GOLD}{username} {AQUA}voted and received &a$1 million and a Voting Key!&4'
        playermessage: ''
        - '/eco give {username} 1000000'
        - '/cratekey give {username} Vote 1'
    #  luckyvotes section
    #  The example below would give a 1 in 10 chance of a voter receiving an extra $1000, and a 1 in 50 chance of an extra $1000 and 100XP.
        broadcast: '{GOLD}{username} {AQUA}was lucky and received a {GOLD}20 pickaxe {AQUA}for voting!'
        playermessage: '{AQUA}Use your 20 pickaxe wisely!'
        - '/kit 20 {username}'
    #  permission reward section
    #  This example would give players with the permission node "gal.double" 10 Diamonds instead of their regular reward.
        broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}10 Diamonds!'
        playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
        - '/give {username} 264 10'
    #  cumulative reward section
    #  This example would give players 20 Diamonds once they have reached a total of 10 votes.
        broadcast: '&3&l>> {GOLD}{username} {AQUA}voted and received &a$15 million and a Voting Key!&4'
        playermessage: ''
        - '/eco give {username} 15000000'
        - '/cratekey give {username} Vote 1'
        broadcast: '&3&l>> {GOLD}{username} {AQUA}voted and received &a$15 million and a Master Key!&4'
        playermessage: ''
        - '/eco give {username} 15000000'
        - '/cratekey give {username} Master 1'
        broadcast: '&3&l>> {GOLD}{username} {AQUA}voted and received &a$25 million and a Master Key!&4'
        playermessage: ''
        - '/eco give {username} 25000000'
        - '/cratekey give {username} Master 1'
        broadcast: '&3&l>> {GOLD}{username} {AQUA}voted and received &a$25 million and a Legendary Key!&4'
        playermessage: ''
        - '/eco give {username} 25000000'
        - '/cratekey give {username} Legendary 1'
    #  blocked - a list of worlds where rewards should be disabled, they will remain queued until the player is in an allowed world.
    - world_blocked
    #  Available formatting codes for messages:
    #  {service} {servicename} {SERVICE} = service name
    #  {username} {player} {name} = player username
    #  {votes} = current vote total
    #  & = Colour Symbol to enter manual colours / control codes
    - '&6&m----------&b=&6[ &b&lRewards&6 ]&b=&6&m-----------'
    - '&aDefault - &f$1 million and a Vote key'
    - '&a10 votes - &f$15 million and a Vote key'
    - '&a40 votes - &f$15 million and a Master key'
    - '&a60 votes - &f$25 million and a Master key'
    - '&a100 votes - &f$25 million and a Legendary key'
    - '&6&m----------&b=&6[ &b&lVote&6 ]&b=&6&m-----------'
    - '&f'
    - '&f'
    - '&f'
    - '&f'
    - '&6&m-----------------------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} {AQUA}Votes'
    - '&6&m----------&b=&6[ &b&lVote &6 ]&b=&6&m-----------'
    - '&f'
    - '&f'
    - '&f'
    - '&f'
    - '&6&m-----------------------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} {AQUA}Votes'
    - '&6&m----------&b=&6[ &b&lRewards&6 ]&b=&6&m-----------'
    - '&aDefault - &f$1 million and a Vote key'
    - '&a10 votes - &f$15 million and a Vote key'
    - '&a40 votes - &f$15 million and a Master key'
    - '&a60 votes - &f$25 million and a Master key'
    - '&a100 votes - &f$25 million and a Legendary key'
    - '&6&m----------&b=&6[ &b&lVote&6 ]&b=&6&m-----------'
    - '&f'
    - '&f'
    - '&f'
    - '&f'
    - '&6&m-----------------------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} {AQUA}Votes'
    #  Additional formatting codes for below:
    #  {TOTAL} = vote total - used for /rewards
    #  {REWARD} = current rewardmessage as specified in the cumulative reward section - used for /rewards
    #  {POSITION} = current rank - used for /votetop
    #  {username} = player name - used for /votetop
    rewardformat: '{GREEN}{TOTAL} Votes {GRAY}- {AQUA}{REWARD}'
    votetopformat: '{POSITION}. {GREEN}{username} - {WHITE}{TOTAL}'
    - '{GOLD}---------------- {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Rewards{WHITE} ] {GOLD}----------------'
    - '{GOLD}---------------- {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Top Voters{WHITE} ] {GOLD}----------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes'
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