Filled Youtube Recording

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by CookieCraftMC, Dec 28, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Helpful (don't know if that is a category)

    Suggested name: YouTube Recording

    What I want: i want it so someone can enter Youtube Recording mode. This means that they are LIVESTREAMING, or recording, and they want their privacy. When they are in YouTube mode, chat is disabled for them, and when someone tries to msg them, it says something like "(player) is recording. Please do not disturb. "

    Ideas for commands: /recording

    Ideas for permissions: youtube.recording. This gives them perms to /recording.

    When I'd like it by: As soon as it can be done. THA NKS!
    GrandmaJam likes this.
  2. @CookieCraftMC I'll quickly do this. Do you want Twitch/streaming as well?

    Done download is available HERE.


    Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
    GrandmaJam likes this.
  3. Offline


    Ill do this will only take a few minutes
    GrandmaJam likes this.
  4. Offline


    I know sorry, i just saw that haha
  5. Offline


    Is there anyway you can make the code public? I am new to coding and I will really like to see how you did this.
  6. Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
    GrandmaJam likes this.
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    GrandmaJam likes this.
  8. @CookieCraftMC Oh no I didn't, I only skim read it. Give me one minute.
  9. Offline


    You should remove players from 'recording' when they leave the server,
    or just store their names instead
  10. Offline


    And update the github Please. THANK YOU SO MUCH
  11. @API_Tutorials They all get removed on disable, there isn't really a need to remove on leave.

    @CookieCraftMC I will.

    EDIT: Not tested but HERE.
    EDIT2: GitHub updated.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
  12. Offline


    You should probably add more commands than just /msg, better make a config for that as well since /tell, /r, /t, /m, /whisper would still work.
  13. Offline


    Are those all different classes. Like the chat and main and recording are all different classes?
  14. Offline


    I'm a 110% noob at coding, just starting to learn. But, shouldn't you add cancellation for the other commands (/t /w /whisper /r /m)?
  15. Offline


    Yes, yes he should. ^^

  16. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    He should make a config for it :p
  17. Offline


    Yes, yes he should. ^^

  18. Offline


    It's your own fault if you don't think of those possibilities right away... :p
    Also, this was already pointed out yesterday.
  19. @mrCookieSlime It indeed was I then I said thank you -_-

    (I will throw you in the Creeper-Pit!)
  20. Offline


    I was just saying that you don't need to complain about this now since you were already aware of this yesterday.

    (Don't bait me for making this Thread offtopic)
    Please get this Thread back ontopic now.
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  22. Offline


    I mean how long does it take you to finish making the plugin?
  23. @IamNoob I made that in about 5 minutes.
  24. Offline


    Scroll up, it's for download.
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  26. @IamNoob Books

    Locked, this has become offtopic.
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