Bukkit API

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Developerjohn, Nov 15, 2014.

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    Here are some questions I have about it:

    Is it complicating after learning Java?
    -I normally see so many people transition over to Bukkit, and the next day, they're geniuses.

    Does the Bukkit plugin tutorial give you a brief view on everything you need to know?
    -Complex things such as velocities, arenas, and even and custom NPC mobs.

    Will the Bukkit plugin tutorial teach me about the Javadocs?
    -I'm sorry to say this, but I haven't really learned about the Javadocs and how they operate. I know for a fact they show you the separate methods and constructors a class can hold, but implementing them into your own code is key.

    If I can't find the information I need, where do I go?
    -As in a reliable source for information.

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    1. It depends on how well you know Java. It was pretty easy for me to learn the API since I already knew Java when I started.
    2. No. It's very basic!
    3. No. You'll have to do some searching through them yourself.
    4. JavaDocs, Google.
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    Yes. The Bukkit API takes months to master completely and/or become very proficient at.

    No, it starts you off, but the rest you have to learn on your own.

    Events, command API, and many others are covered when you learn Java. If you can't find the constructor, it may be either in Bukkit.java or a static factory, or implemented by CraftBukkit. The wiki references that javadocs several times, but does not necessarily teach you how to use it. You learn it with Java.

    Forums, wait for many people to reply. If you can't, personally ask someone.
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