Messages yml help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by zurg200, Nov 13, 2014.

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    I am trying to make a messages.yml and it's not working.. Like it doesn't load.. I have this on my onEnable()

    File file = new File(getDataFolder(), "messages.yml");
    if(!file.exists()) saveDefaultConfig();

    But it doesn't load and I have it in my folder..
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    doesn't saveDefaultConfig() create a config.yml? use file.createNewFile();
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    Yes.. But it won't save it. Just loads it and it's blank.. And I put in stuff into it..
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    Simply use saveDefaultConfig(), if you already have a config on your test server, make sure to delete it.
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    So do you want to create a config.yml or a messages.yml?
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    I'm trying to make a messages.yml my config is fine and I can make those!
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    Use the YamlConfiguration class to load the configuration for your messages.yml, it basically provides all the methods of the config.yml, and applies it to a custom file.
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