Solved InventoryClickEvent which inventory is the click in?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TwoPointDuck, Sep 8, 2014.

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    Is there an easy way of telling which inventory they are clicking (top or bottom) which I'm missing?
    I mainly wish to know if they are clicking in a different container not armor, crafting, result.

    Thanks for any and all answers :)
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    Cerberus XII

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    Hmmm, not sure at all. But I would try checking for if e.getinventory is PlayerInventory so that means. They clicked the down part
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    You can check whether the player's inventory contains the item that was clicked

    1. if(player.getInventory().contains(/* item */)) {
    2. // do stuff
    3. } else {
    4. // do other stuff
    5. }

    but it's not always that accurate and won't tell the difference if you click slots without anything in them
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    It was super simple all along. event.getClickedInventory() == event.getView().getTopInventory()
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