Solved EssentialsChat Format Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TylerS1066, Sep 1, 2014.

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    I have been running a private CraftBukkit server for over 6 months and finally decided to add prefixes, so I tried using PEX's prefixes but they didn't work, then I decided to use Essentials chat and have this in the config:

    Owner: '&f[&4&l&nOwner&f] {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&b {MESSAGE}'

    and it shows up with (I know the world part comes from Multiverse):

    [world][Owner] TylerS1066: {MESSAGE}

    what I want is:

    [world][Owner] TylerS1066: {MESSAGE}

    Plugins: WorldBorder, Kits, EasyPermissionsEX, Vault, Multiverse-Core, PermissionsEX, uSkyBlock, WorldGuard, ServerSpy, CoreProtect, CBWrapper, ChestCommands, Movecraft, Lockette, ClearLag, ProtocolLib, HolographicDisplays, CleanroomGenerator, BlocksHub, Essentials, Citizens, AsyncWorldEdit, EssentialsSpawn, LibsDisquises, Multiverse-Inventories, VanishNoPacket, Sentry, EssentialsChat

    Craftbukkit Build: 3092 (1.7.9)
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    type /mv conf prefix chat false
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    I know where the [world] comes from, and I want to keep it on (I tested turning it on/off and it had no effect on the EssChat Prefix)
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    TylerS1066 you need to enable a format line and indent your group formats 2 spaces further.
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    Thanks!, that worked:)
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