[REQ] Character Card plugin for Role Play.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by queLynax, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Chat

    Suggested name: LynKarakter

    What I want: Hello, I'm about to set up a hardcore role playing server. Well, the commands and the errors(I mean everything) will be in language. I will explain everything. This plugin will also contains chat commands. Well, every player will be have only a character card and they will not allowed to edit them. Character card must be saved. I mean, everytime they login; they will keep playing with same card. They don't need to re-type the everything again and again. That card will show their role play character.

    Also, a player can see the other player's character card if (s)he is close enough like 10 blocks and by right clicking them. For example, X right clicks to Y to see Y's character card; X will see a message that contains Y's details. Something like that:
    Also, let player can see card every 3 seconds. Don't let him spam right click.
    If he right click again before 3 seconds, send message to player like
    "[Karakter] 3 Saniye Beklemelisiniz!"

    ======[Karakter Karti] =====
    Ad: Yuri Galtem
    =Irk: İnsan
    =Yas: 29
    =Bio: blablablabla


    Well, like I said before. I will explain everything.
    Karakter Karti means Character Card
    Ad: means Name:
    Irk: means Race:
    Yas: means Age:
    Bio: means Bio:

    How they will create their own character cards? Easy, with commands.
    /karakter ad [name_surname] (should be a name like Xxx_Yyy)
    If wrong usage, "//[Karakter] Yanlış bir bilgi girdiniz! Karakter adı: Isim_Soyisim şeklinde olmalı."
    If correct, "//[Karakter] Tebrikler! Karakter adınız: [name_surname that he picked]!"

    /karakter irk [race] (Only can type the races that in a .yml file. I mean editable specifics.)
    If wrong usage, "//[Karakter] Yanlış bir Irk bilgisi girdiniz!"
    If correct, "//[Karakter] Tebrikler! Irkınız: [race that he picked]!"

    /karakter yas [age] (integer)
    If wrong usage, "//[Karakter] Yanlış bir yaş değeri girdiniz!"
    If correct, "//[Karakter] Tebrikler! Yaşınız: [age that he picked]!"
    (no age limit)

    /karakter bio [info] (info about the character. Can contains numbers or letters.)
    If empty, "//[Karakter] Karakteriniz hakkında bilgi girmelisiniz!"
    /karakter kaydet (After the all, for saving and confirmation character card.)
    If any of that first four command are not entered, "//[Karakter] Eksik bilgi mevcut, kontrol edin!"
    If okay, "//[Karakter] Karakteriniz oluşturuldu!"
    /karakter (To see your own character card.)
    This command probably doesn't need an error message. Only possibility is, typing this command before you save(/karakter kaydet) your character card but still, don't need.
    If player type that, (s)he will see his/her own card.

    /karakter sil [minecraft id] (To delete someone's card. (S)he will be able to re-create after this.) (OPs only.)
    If wrong usage, "//[Karakter] Yanlış bir değer girdiniz!"If correct, "//[Karakter] Karakter silindi: [minecraft id]!"

    Note: For example, I did my character name and then changed it before saving it by /karakter kaydet.
    Last name will be the applied one. I mean, I did all the age, race, name and bio things and before I save it I changed my name to Tyler_Kareem from Azez_Kareem, it will save it to character card as Tyler. (Last picked one.)

    That's all the character commands. I think I don't need to translate the error and accomplished messages because you know, same things like "Well Done! You created."
    But, the point is not the card. First, no one will be able to talk before they create a character card.
    If he try to talk, (s)he will see an error message "//[Karakter] Eğitim Adası'nı bitirin!"

    Now the chat commands. You know, role playing is acting the real life in game. In real, people if far to you, can't hear you. So, there will be a chat radius. I will example with X and Y.
    Player X talks: Hey. / Player Y will hear him/her if (s)he is closes 10 blocks to him.
    Yes, normal chat radius will be 15 blocks.

    But I'm highlighting the most important thing. For example, while I creating my character card; I saved my name as "Azez_Kareem". And my MineCraft ID is Batur123.
    When I type something, it will be like that: "Azez_Kareem: Hello!"
    My Role Play name will be seem. Not my Minecraft ID.
    This will be same at everywhere. I mean every chat commands.

    Now the chat commands:

    Normal Chat:
    command: -
    radius: 10
    looks: "Azeez_Kareem: Hey"

    Normal Chat2: (I mean OOC chat, don't ask if you don't know the difference lol)
    command: /b
    radius: 10
    looks: "((Azeez_Kareem: Hey))"

    command: /w [minecraft id] [message]
    radius: - (Only ID hears)
    if you whisper "Azeez_Kareem 'e fisildadin: Hey"
    if you got a whisper "Azeez_Kareem fisildadi: Hey"
    and it will send a message that all can hear within 10 radius:
    "[whisperer character name], [whispered character name]'in kulağına bir şeyler mırıldanır."

    command: /s [message]
    radius: 25
    looks: "Azeez_Kareem bagirir: Hey!" (will add one exclamation mark to end of the sentence.)

    Low Chat:
    command: /l [message]
    radius: 3
    looks: "Azeez_Kareem fisildar: Hey"

    command: /me [message]
    radius: 15
    looks: "Azeez_Kareem smiles." (will remove the colon)

    command: /do [message]
    radius: 15
    looks: "[!]Typed text here ((Azez_Kareem))." (For example: if player type "Typed text here" it will be seem like that.)

    command: /zar
    radius: 5
    looks: "[!] Zar Attı: 4 ((Azez_Kareem))." (Will dice 1-6. It will always come like "Zar Attı:". That means "Dice:")

    I think these all chat commands have one possibility to error, empty space. I don't want any error message. But don't let it send empty messages.

    When I'd like it by: More than 2-3 weeks.

    Well, thank you. It's simple! I wanted to edit that 5 times. Thank you all!
  2. Offline


    Hey, I think I have produced what you are looking for, it mostly fits within the specification provided. The only bit I was unsure of was the Out of Character bit? I will give it my best if you want however in the mean time I have made everything you were looking for. I've done a bit of testing myself and found it good. The cool-downs, the radii, the commands, and some example races, everything is there. Plus, with much added pain, A semi language pack. Meaning you are able to change a lot of the sayings in there if they aren't in good Turkish (Apologies, I used Google translate). If anything is missing, broken or just causing errors please tell me and I will try to fix it. Or if for any reason you need the decompile files you are welcome to the .java files. Here is a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ht1bguo9x7mlwz8/Karakter_Karti.jar
  3. Offline


    Thank you mate, going to check it. I was on holiday. I'll contact you! :)
  4. Is there any chance someone could put this in English and do some tweaking for a Server I'm setting up :/

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