How can I optimize this piece of code?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by k9rosie, Aug 5, 2014.

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    It's a loop that searches through the list of teams in a config, and then creates those teams with the list's attributes. It works... but I feel like it could be better.

    1. List<?> teamsList = this.getConfig().getList("teams");
    3. for(Object object : teamsList){
    4. HashMap<String, Object> map = (HashMap<String, Object>) object;
    5. String teamId = null;
    6. String teamName = null;
    7. ChatColor teamColor = null;
    8. boolean attackable = false;
    9. boolean damageable = false;
    11. for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
    12. String key = entry.getKey(); //team id
    13. HashMap<String, Object> value = (HashMap<String, Object>) entry.getValue(); //team attributes
    14. teamId = key;
    15. for (Entry<String, Object> e : value.entrySet()) {
    16. if(e.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("name")) teamName = (String) e.getValue();
    17. if(e.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("color")) teamColor = this.colorize((String) e.getValue());
    18. if(e.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("attackable")) attackable = (boolean) e.getValue();
    19. if(e.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("damageable")) damageable = (boolean) e.getValue();
    20. }
    22. }
    23. gamestate.createTeam(teamId, teamName, teamColor);
    24. gamestate.getTeam(teamId).setAttackable(attackable);
    25. gamestate.getTeam(teamId).setDamageable(damageable);
    26. }

    Here is what the config that the loop searches through looks like:
    # These teams are defined in the plugin
    # NOTE: The neutral team is always included by default! DO NOT define a neutral team in this config.
      - red: #the identifier of the team
          name: Red #the name of the team
          color: red #team color (if you specify a color that doesn't exist, your color will default to white)
          attackable: true #can this team attack other players?
          damageable: true #can this team be attacked by other players?
      - blue:
          name: Blue
          color: blue
          attackable: true
          damageable: true
  2. Offline


    "attackable" and "damageable" are synonyms.

    Not really sure what your specific concern is.
  3. You could increase preformance by a ton by not using bukkits default config system.
  4. Offline


    Pretty sure these 2 lines sum it up.
    2. HashMap<String, Object> value = (HashMap<String, Object>) entry.getValue();
    3. HashMap<String, Object> map = (HashMap<String, Object>) object;
  5. Offline


    And else if statements are a good thing.
    mine-care likes this.
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    Except for the part where else if statements doesnt fit his code.
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    Not2EXceL Well, obviously. But there is no point in re-evaluating a variable once you know its value.
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    Rocoty derp, this is why i shouldnt try to read sloppy formatted code after work
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