Best way to learn Java?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Myntekt, Aug 5, 2014.

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    I've been playing minecraft multiplayer for some year and I've always wanted to be able to make my own plugin. But I just don't know how or where to learn it.
    How did you learn Java? What should I do? Thanks
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    The best way would be to get a teacher.
    If you don't know anyone who's willing to teach you, then read the some javadocs and watch tutorials.

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    Also, do not start by googleing "how to make Bukkit plugins". Please take the time to learn Java first. I recommend TheNewBoston on YouTube (just search "thenewboston java beginner"), or reading a book.
    Also as said above, best way is to get a teacher, but it's not very easy to find one for cheap.
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