.* permission node

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mike546378, Jul 24, 2014.

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  1. Hey, I am making a MySQL-based permissions plugin using http://wiki.bukkit.org/Developing_a_permissions_plugin as a guide but am wondering how other permissions plugins handle permission inheritance.
    eg. if you have 3 permissions
    then you could give the player node something.* and they would have all 3 of the above nodes. Same applies to the root * permission node which should give the user access to every node on the server. Anyone know how this is done? Cant seem to find that anywhere

    I don't want to use vault before anyone suggests that, trying to keep everything as lightweight as possible
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  3. AdamQpzm Necrodoom Alright, thanks. Forgot it might be managed by the individual plugins. As for that "lightweight" justification AdamQpzm, I will be running a network of atleast 30 servers all with the plugin on it, the less additional plugins I add means a significantly lower combined RAM usage even if its not much lower per server.
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