Temporary Permissions for Voting

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Hymetheus, Jun 28, 2014.

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    I want to know how to give players temporary permissions upon voting for the server but I do not know how. I use PermissionsEx to configurate my permissions and I have already researched my question on Google and learned about /pex user <user> timed add <node> <seconds> <world> but I tried it and it went over the time that I set which was only for 10 seconds but the permission did not go away after 10 seconds, it went away after I relogged. btw I'm using PermissionsEx version 1.20.4, is it because the plugin is a bit out of date?

    I also set up Votifier and a Listener, it's all working, I just need to know about the temporary permissions.
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    The Fancy Whale

    Why not just update pex and try that out?
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    GroupManager may look difficult but it is easier to use if you'd like to give temporary permissions. pex is difficult because of it's limitations in time. if you have votifier you can config GM to give permissions apon votes. make sure votifier is up to date.
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    I am also experienced with GroupManager, can you explain how give temporary permissions with it?
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    do /manpromote <name> <rank> <time> <world>
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