Solved Best data storage methods

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JeremyPark, Jun 1, 2014.

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    Hi, I am trying to create a file to store all of the kills, deaths, killstreaks, ect for a minigame in a file. I have only really used YAML files for bukkit. I find that YAML files can tend to glitch up once they get very large. What would be the best way to store this data?
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    How exactly do they glitch up :confused:... Also, if you are up for it, SQL (SQLite or MySQL).
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    Your software might 'glitch up', but the yaml parser/encoder doesn't. don't blame your mistakes on the libraries you're using.

    edit: to answer your original question. the "Best" way is both. You should offer yml and sql backends for storage.
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    Perhaps, I should say that they would get to a point that saving them would take longer than it should. Sometimes the file would be unable to save due to the size of the file.

    Anyway, fireblast709, I ended up using SQLite, and it seems to be working. It's a tad more complex than YML files, but I might as well learn it now ;)
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