I Desperately Need a coder or a coding teacher

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by JohnyPants, May 12, 2014.

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    Hi Guys,
    I really need help with coding,
    Please help me I'm trying to make custom magic spells for a plugin calls MagicSpells
    Please either teach me or Make me some
    Please Help!!!

    For more info about helping me make custom Spells or do it for me please contact me
    Skype: johnypants.john
    email: [email protected]
  2. JohnyPants We're developers, we're not teachers (for the most part). If you wish to learn, there are tutorials online (I recommend getting a Java book). If you wish us to make it for you, post in the plugin requests.
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    JohnyPants First of all, understand Java which would take about a day or so. Then, study the Bukkit/Craftbukkit API with detail which would take no longer than 5 hours.
    Java Tutorials can be found in TheNewBoston's youtube channel.
    The Bukkit API javadocs are in jd.bukkit.org.
    Happy coding!
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    Lol what?
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    People study java for years, it takes way more than a day to understand java. If not, I don't know what you learning but it's not java
    Hoolean likes this.
  7. Garris0n He's very dedicated and a very fast learner.
    dentych likes this.
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    JaguarJo, AdamQpzm and Aqua like this.
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    Allow me to demonstrate my thoughts on this comment through my new favourite gif...

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    Moved to a more appropriate section.
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    jthort Garris0n I meant like the basics and such. Like for example if statements, voids, booleans, statics, for loops, etc. That's what it took me to understand those for most part.

    AdamQpzm Indeed.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
  12. Offline


    Now this depends on what you consider the basics. What is basic to you may not be basic to me (unlikely but possible) and what is basic to me may not be basic to you.

    Here is a small list of what I consider to be pretty basic when it comes to bukkit programming. You should know (or have some sort of idea) and (ideally) be able to understand what I mean when I say:

    - Variable type (primitives (int, double, short, long, float, boolean, char and byte) and Objects)
    - Constants
    - Method and Variable scope (Also known as access modifiers)
    - Correct use of static
    - 3 programming constructs (sequence, selection and iteration)
    - If statements (if-else)
    - Logical operators
    - For loops (including for each loops)
    - While loops
    - Do while loops (learning concept of pre and post tests)
    - Switch (case) statements
    - Concept of OOP
    - Polymorphism
    - Inheritance
    - Use of Sets, Lists and Maps (And the different types of each)
    - String manipulation
    - Methods
    - Method return types
    - Use of constructors
    - Correct indentation
    - Ability to comment code
    - Abstraction
    - Encapsulation
    Since it is quite relevant to bukkit I shall also put in
    - File I/O

    I think it would certainly still take more than 'a day or so' to learn and be able to utilise.
    Garris0n likes this.
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    Haha, I've never seen a GIF so spot-on before :D
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    theguynextdoor You should include abstraction and encapsulation as well. They are two of the four base principles of OOP. The other two being inheritance and polymorphism (which you did mention)
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    Indeed. Those too shall be added to the list.
    It just goes to show, it is not physically possible to learn and understand java in 'a day or so'. Unless you already have some pretty extensive background knowledge, even then it will still take a while to get used to the syntax (not to mention that I doubt many people who code bukkit plugins will come from a background of extensive programming knowledge (especially seeing as most devs these days are between the ages of 12 and 15))
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    That's about how long it took me to learn Java and make a simple plugin I needed to fix a bug in my server. I already knew C, C++ and C# though.
  17. Offline


    You can not learn java in a day. You can copy a tutorial, watch a YouTube video, or copy off GitHub and get a plugin done but I'm going to say this again. If you are learning java In a day, you are not learning java
  18. Offline


    Sure, I didn't learn the entire language, or its philosophy, just enough to make that one 20-line plugin.
    jthort likes this.
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    LEOcab oh you said learn java and write the plugin. Nevermind then
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