Just a plugin for server nonsense. Please make it!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by subway5411, May 11, 2014.

  1. Offline


    SOO... I cant find any of these plugins on the internet! In this video, I will show you some of the things I would like for my server. Enjoy!

    Please make this plugin. Also the base command will be /subfactions:WHATEVERCOMMAND
    Also can there be a config file to switch the messages and just configure the plugin?
    Thanks and I hope it gets made :D
  2. Offline


    So you basically want us to copy this servers lobby completely?
  3. Offline


    No, I just want some of the features. SUCH AS BOUNCE PADS (lol like every server has those). Copying is getting every feature. You are basically saying having particles is copying the lobby completely -_-
  4. Offline



    No, but you basically showed off the features of one specific server lobby, and asked if we could create a plugin that does all that.

    Side note: Creating this plugin takes quite some time and experience with Bukkit and generally just coding.

    I won't make it, good luck finding someone. < not angry
  5. Offline


    wow, ur (kinda) rude TwoPointDuck


    ps. i bet this plugin would be popular if someone decides to make it. I gave a second option. is there a plugin that does this already? TwoPointDuck You havent made any plugins on dev.bukkit.org yet so your probably just saying that to bug me. And who is "us"
  6. Offline


    subway5411 TwoPointDuck (in my opinion) wasn't actually very rude. He just stated the facts. Also, there are developers that don't post their plugins on dev.bukkit.org. They may just code privately.

    Anyways, are you sure you looked for these plugins? There are quite a few Bounce Pad plugins (most people call them Jump Pads).
  7. Offline


    MCMastery The bounce pad plugin didnt even work. I cant find any plugins that do what the video says :/
  8. Offline


    Could you PM me the ip to that server? I'd like to check out the features on my own.
  9. Offline


    A vast majority of networks have these, which lead me to believe they are public plugins.
  10. Offline


    also 5/6 of those plugins exist! Have a look around. it may require a few plugins to get one of the features working.

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