How would I make a list as follows

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by RizzelDazz, Apr 28, 2014.

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    How would I use the following to create a list that shows me something like this in chat:

    Id: 1 UUID:uuidhere time:timehere claimer:claimerhere amount:amounthere
    Id: 2 UUID:uuidhere time:timehere claimer:claimerhere amount:amounthere
    Id: 3 UUID:uuidhere time:timehere claimer:claimerhere amount:amounthere
    Id: 4 UUID:uuidhere time:timehere claimer:claimerhere amount:amounthere

    Here is my config

        uuid: d5bb2355-950d-424e-8009-7f5938fbfa3e
        amount: 1023189
        claimer: none
        time: 1440
        uuid: d5bb2355-950d-424e-8009-7f5938fbfa3e
        amount: 1023189
        claimer: none
        time: 1440
        uuid: d5bb2355-950d-424e-8009-7f5938fbfa3e
        amount: 1023189
        claimer: none
        time: 1440
        uuid: d5bb2355-950d-424e-8009-7f5938fbfa3e
        amount: 1023189
        claimer: none
        time: 1440
        uuid: d5bb2355-950d-424e-8009-7f5938fbfa3e
        amount: 1023189
        claimer: none
        time: 1440
  2. Offline


    1. //Everything that's in the section of Bounties.
    2. for (String s : <configuration thing>.getConfigurationSection("Bounties.").getKeys(false)){
    3. //get uuid and others
    4. String uuid = <configuration thing>.getString("Bounties." + s + ".uuid");
    5. }
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