Free Atlassian Tools for Bukkit Plugins.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ccallahan, Apr 25, 2011.

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    I am providing free tools for Bukkit Plugins, such as a wiki, bug tracker, CI server, and a code viewer. If a plugin developer wants it, I will add them to my tools IF they meet the following criteria...

    They have a Ant build file.
    Their project is under a licence recognized by Open Source Initiative.
    They update their code regularly on whoever is hosting their code (GitHub, Bitbucket, etc)


    My project has submodules! :: Sorry, but you can't use the Build Server with submodules. It should be fixed soon.

    You are using a Atlassian OSS Licence! Why should I use you and not host it myself? :: Because not all, but most people don't have the resources for this.

    I requested one on your old thread! :: I have been upgrading everything, but I will import everything from the old CI.
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    Just reminding...
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