Custom enchants

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ZakPvP, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Offline


    You right click enchantment table
    it cancels the request AND DOESN'T OPEN THE ENCHANT GUI
    then executes a command
    command-to-execute: /enchant shop (EXAMPLE)
    It's basically so i pick the enchants you get.
  2. Offline


    ill work on it now and tell you the result.
    the way i understand this:
    when u right click a ench table it wont open and makes server console execute a specific command.
    am i right?

    Oh i just got stuck on leting you chose what cvommand to execute... i cant get it from config for som readson.
    May i know what is the command so i can make it happend?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
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  4. Offline


    i know thanks though, i contacted a friend of mine in a conversation im waiting his answer.

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