Modify Particle Velocity

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Zwander, Mar 22, 2014.

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    Is there a way to modify the velocity of particles spawned using PacketPlayOutWorldEvent and PacketPlayOutWorldParticles?

    I don't mean by setting the velocity in the constructor.

    What I would like it a way to do as follows:
    • Make all particles travel in one direction at a set speed
    • Make the particles fan out on a flat plane
    • Make particles not effected by gravity
    If this requires NMS modification, so be it.

    Thanks C:
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    I might not be 100% correct here, but I think the only way to do this is to keep spawning the particle in locations that would make it seem like it is moving. Particles are just an animation, which is why I don't believe you can set a velocity to it through NMS or anything. I could be wrong though.
  3. Offline


    Particles are subject to gravity and collide with blocks, therefore are not just animations.
    EDIT: The issue with what you suggested is that you will simply end up with a trail of particles tat fall to the ground :/
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    I presume though, that the falling(etc) is handled client side, and thus can't be modded server side.
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