Solved Blank Lines in the Chat Window on Join

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FlyingSpitball, Feb 17, 2014.

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    I recently noticed that 2 or 3 blank lines appear in the chat window between welcome messages and MOTDs in my server when I join. This only happens when I join as a regular player, and not an Operator. I use CommandBook for the 1st Welcome Message, Essentials for the 2nd Welcome Message and other messages, and CustomServerMessages to customize messages. Also, I use Announcer to automatically broadcast messages. I am pretty sure that I did something wrong in the Essentials config file, but I don't know what! Here is a pic of what is happening:
    <Screenshot removed due to advertising - Necrodoom>
    Here are all the plugins I am using:
    I am using CraftBukkit version 1.7.2-R0.3

    Attached Files:

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    Why are you using 3 plugins for MOTD at the same time? Use one plugin and put all information needed in a single file. Also, using both essentials and commandbook at the same time is a bit pointless, as essentials does about everything commandbook does.
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    I am using CustomServerMessages only to edit messages from other plugins. I removed CommandBook but the blank lines still apear. Maybe it is a message from WorldBorders. It is the last plugin that I installed before I noticed that bug. I will check and I will reply shortly...
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    Nope. It is not WorldBorder. It was always Essentials! The last time I edited the Essentials MOTD file, I did it with the Windows Notepad instead of Notepad++. I created 3 blank lines and I didn't even realize! Also, I did some research and I found out that smilar bugs can be caused by old versions of WorldEdit or AntiCheat.
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