BungeeCord and OnlyProxyJoin problem.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TarikBerk, Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    I am setting up a bungeecord server, but there is a problem with security. Cracked users can directly connect to my individual servers using my account's name and get my account's permission.
    Here is it's configuration file for OnlyProxyJoin:

    # Here you have to specify the IP of your proxy without port. (I guess the problem occurs here, because it requires a port. My bungee server has a dedicated IP though, so it shouldn't need its port.)
    proxyIP: (I tried to set this to the BungeeCord server's IP too)

    # Here you can change the kick message, if a player doesn't join through the proxy.
    playerKickMessage: '&cYou have to join through the proxy.'

    With that configuration, it doesn't let anybody join the server, even by using the IP of the bungee server. Any help is appreciated.
    All of the servers are hosted on different machines.
    Should all the servers be on the same machine and those IP addresses be set to ""?

    What I want is this;
    I have 4 servers.
    A: Bungee
    B: Hub
    C: Factions
    D: KitPvP
    Bungeecord (A) -> ALWAYS outputs to HUB (B). Players can connect to factions (C) and kitpvp (D) only from hub (B).

    Players cannot type the IP of B, C, D servers (Hub, Factions, KitPvP) to connect to the servers. It should tell them to connect using the bungee server (A).

    I know that players can use softwares like CommView to see the IP that they are connected to, scan that IP address's port, connect to that server using a cracked minecraft launcher and get my account's permission.
  2. Offline


    Locked. Offline mode servers are not supported here.
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