help with groupmanager

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ItsBlueRockTHING, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. so i use group manager for my permissions for my server, but i don't know how to do one thing and it troubles me way tooooooo MUCH! i don't know how to set permissions for different worlds. like if i have 2 worlds and i want the first world's default to be able to do /fly and /afk but the second world's default to be able to do only /heal. pls get back to me!!!!!!!!!!! thank you soo much for helping! thankyou
  2. Offline


    There are different directory's for it. eg. /plugins/GroupManager/worlds/[World]/groups.yml
  3. i dont get it what do u mean
  4. Offline


    What he means is that there for the different worlds, there is a different permission directory/file for each of them so like lets say you have 2 worlds, blah and bleh, the permission file for bleh would be in: /plugins/GroupManager/worlds/bleh/groups.yml
    and samething for the world blah: plugins/GroupManager/worlds/blah/groups.yml
  5. i
    get it, thx soooo much!
  6. Offline


    No worries :D
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